Payday loans from Union State Bank are the fast, most flexible way to get the cash you need. With no hard credit checks and no collateral required, these loans are an excellent option for those with bad credit who can’t get a conventional loan.
Union State Bank offers payday loans up to $1,000. To qualify for these loans, you must be at least 18 years old, employed or self-employed with regular income, be able to provide proof of income (such as your most recent paycheck stub), and not have any open bankruptcies or judgments against you.
All loans are subject to credit approval.
Loans may be repaid in any order, but they must all be reimbursed by the due date. Payments will be applied as follows: first to the current payment, then to any previous payments that are past due, and finally to any fees.
If you make a payment more than seven days late, we will charge you a $10 late fee in addition to the payment amount. If you make your payment eight or more days late, we will charge you an additional $25 late fee in addition to the amount of your payment and call upon our debt collection agency to pursue collection of these amounts from you.
A borrower who defaults on a loan may not borrow again from Union State Bank until their defaulted loan is paid in full or resolved to Union State Bank’s satisfaction.
Our payday loans have an APR of 15%, and you can choose between a 4-month or 6-month repayment plan. And if you have bad credit, don’t worry—we accept all types of credit scores! Just fill out our application, and we’ll get started right away!
When you need a payday loan, you need it now. We offer the fastest way to get a payday loan online.
We’ll approve your request in just minutes and give you access to funds within 24 hours. We understand that bad credit can happen to anyone, so we offer payday loans with no hard credit checks.
We’re here to help when life throws you a curveball.